Randy Lynn Rozell - Online Memorial Website

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Randy Rozell
Born in Michigan
51 years
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Life story
July 13, 1958
     Randy was born July 13, 1958 in Battle Creek, Michigan.  A true Harper Creeker, where  he enjoyed sports and being with the same kids from start to finish, graduating  in 1976.  Randy was an adventurer, sharing a house with several of the “Harper Creekers” before  launching out for Texas and then California.  While working in California, still young and searching,  he jumped at the opportunity given to him by an owner of a  fleet of fishing boats.  That began a long, rewarding career of professional fishing,  and fulfillment of his dreams.

     Randy had fished the Baja since the late 1970’s, gaining expertise  and professionalism, but never losing the excitement  of  the adrenalin as his crew pulled In the prized catch and always felt redeemed when it was released back into the sea.   His great fortune in the love of fishing and doing what he knew best led him to be the proud  winner of the first place Cabo  San Lucas Gold Cup in both 1996 and 1997.   He’d be the first  to say “sure, trophies are nice, but the boost of the catch is the greatest gift of all!” Understandable when his Blue Marlin bagged for the 1996 Gold Cup win weighed in at  a whopping 797.5 pounds, breaking Gold Cup’s all-time record by 137.5 pounds and becoming one of  the largest catch in Cabo San Lucas’ sportsfishing history.  In 1997, “Randy on The Salsa”, finished first again, this time with another blue marlin, a  462-pounder.   As his  knowledge of the sea and fishing, along with his talent for rigging  just-the-right-lures,  became known around the world, such printed comments as “Rozell has practically worn ruts in the water, traveling along the west coast of Central America” brought him contacts from sportsfishing magazines and television shows, along with  publishers  using the Salsa for photoshoots.

     Randy had a great love for the people of Cabo and its fishing.  He never failed to recognize the greatness of God in the magnificence of the sea and its creatures.  The blueness of the water,  the sunrise at the start of a day  or sunset at the day’s end, it was all glorious to him.  His friendly, unique personality made him  as comfortable entertaining the very wealthy on board as he was with the everyday folks in town.  He lived with the theory that ego served little purpose, insisting that his crew were always shown the same respect as he had from anyone on board.   Never considering anyone above him; yet  never  considering anyone beneath him, gave him a rapport with everyone who knew him.  Fairness and respect  were his valor.


October 26, 2009

     Sometime on October 26, 2009, Captain Randy Rozell left the town and townspeople he had called home and family many years, to join the throngs in heaven with the God  he knew and loved.  He had made his home in Cabo San Lucas nearly thirty years, watching it grow from a tiny, sleepy little fishing town with only one hangout and few fishing boats, to the thriving destination it is today for the rich and famous.

     A  traditional  at-sea-memorial was  held in Cabo San Lucas, led by Tracy Ehrenberg of Pisces  Sportsfishing, Annie Murphy of PezGato  Sportsfishing, and Jim Lilly, Boat Captain; with Pastor Nick officiating with several yachts in tow, along with townspeople in smaller ones.  White flowers were tossed into the sea in memory.  Coinciding memorials were held in Maui, Fort Lauderdale, FL and from several boats  enroute  who had heard as news spread and calls, many afar, kept coming in.

     True to his nature, Randy considered himself last.   Although he suffered with health challenges for about a year, ignoring advice to handle the stress challenges,  he kept going and shared very little with those around him of his trials.  He lived on a golf course, but had put his love for golf on hold.

     He leaves the one thing he loved most and was most  passionate about, his son Joshua, age 7, here in Cabo.  Randy would be proud to hear  Joshua’s  “you know, my dad was a fisherman”.   Yes,  Joshua, all of Cabo knows just what a great fisherman your dad is; and all of Cabo knows you are so much a “Daddy’s little man!" 

     Randy always knew his family loved and were proud of him;  just what he wanted Joshua to know more than anything.  His parents, Bob and June Rozell, his brother,  Rob and Norma Rozell with children Luis, Anthony and Annabelle,  all live in Southern California.